An old school fish updated for the new school, the SUPERBrand Fling is a modernised version of the old school twin keel fish designs. This is the SUPERBrand Fling surfboard review at Benny’s…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
An old school fish updated for the new school, the SUPERBrand Fling is a modernised version of the old school twin keel fish designs. This is the SUPERBrand Fling surfboard review at Benny’s…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
An old school fish updated for the new school, this is the SUPERBrand Fling
– it flies!
Hi Benny, Good review. I need some help with sizing for the Fling. I’m 52
yrs old, 160 lbs, experienced surfer (since 12 yrs old) and surf in NorCAL
and always use a 4-3 wetsuit. Considering all those factors, which size
would you recommend? Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
Nice review! Just an idea but I think it would be cool to throw in some
footage of you riding the board at the end of the video.
This very well might be my next board. Looks like a good Florida
mushy/groveler everyday board. Very few times a year we get waves the
require a true high performance board. @ 160-165lbs a 5’4″ x 20″ x 2.5″ May
do the trick!
Great review Ben!
What are the dimensions of this particular Fling? I was considering
ordering one around 5’0-ish. Good to see those Seaworthys in this board, I
use them in all of my wide-tailed grovelers and plan on using them when I
get one of these.
I’ve noticed a lot of your boards with FCS-2 or Futures boxes, do you have
a preference or favorite between the two? Keep em’ coming.
Great Review Benny. How about a review on the Rusty Hustler which is a
different board with venturi bottom and looks like a fast versatile board.
would ove to hear your opinion on the Hustler.