Learn how to properly paddle on a surf board in this free video. Expert: John Hickey Bio: John Hickey is a professional South Florida Surfing Instructor at F…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Learn how to properly paddle on a surf board in this free video. Expert: John Hickey Bio: John Hickey is a professional South Florida Surfing Instructor at F…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
I think I’m having some clarity now. Holy poop. Hey jerky boy, Downs is a
medical condition for the “disadvantaged” or “mentally challenged”, not
some term loosely thrown around in vainity when you really mean some bad
terminology word up.
learn to surf! not on the sand, but in the water!!
Still called an ollie if off flat water, or off a wave that wasn’t enough
of a lip to launch the surfer, or you might call a no grab air an ollie
You ever made a complete video?
Why call it a free video when an ad is shoved into our face right from the
start? I know it says you can skip this ad, but why must it be the first
place. This is YouTub, not your tube.
hi guys.. i’m not a surfer just happen to be intrested in this new spot.
welll. everything has its first time. y dun u guyss give everyone a
chance.. i believe theres no show offfs here.. i love the waves n seeing
ppl riding it.. cool guys… just a comment.. PEACE tts what surfers are..
hope i’m not wronge.
Wow i learnt somwthing new while i paddle thanks
Lol at all the sand comments
@MarkRocchio Why are you watching the video when you have been surfing so
its sand its just kinda bad video quality
i cant believe someone actually used the word kook.. I thought they only
said that on stoked lol
wait you use your hand to paddle? shoot i have been kicking
theirs small ones like right now its windy in FL
I guess not. It’s all sales, and sales agents. The Fat chicks surfing in
Sumbawa are out-ripping all of SoCal. Shhhh, it’s like a SoCal secret.
Surfers here are delusional and they have lowered the surf report grade
scale a notch that people believe in. I just drove 105 mile for that last
south swell to get some for real good waves.
ok, it aint easy to show it in water, but it´d be much better, to paddle in
sand is a hard ass workout yo. And the way this guy looks he wasnt doing
much paddeling either on sand nor water 🙂
you’re the fuckin dousch bag…. there are better waves on the east coast
of florida then in most of california
If you need a video to show you how to paddle, save yourself the
frustration and give a golf a try.
i have going to second light and the picnic to surf lately.
good job.
@msharpe2112 lol! just when you think you’ve gotten it, you fall again, but
cool bro, keep on surfin!
23 people can’t surf on the sand!
im a good surfer and im just natural on most sports and hey? when you were
lying on the board wheres the fins at the back and i just became better by
useing this machine for surfing but thats how i did it
What is the big deal? He is showing beginners how to paddle…. If you know
how to do it better put up or shut up. Stop watching beginners videos
blasting him like you posted a better video yesterday. Whenever you do your
video with your voiceover let me know James Earl Jones…. Until then quit
internet bangin because you seem pathetic.