18 thoughts on “Channel Islands Black Flag Whip Surfboard Review”

  1. the Surf Station

    @LongboardBC I suppose you could say the stringer is convex but we are
    talking about the two indentions (concave) running parallel to the
    stringer. Convex usually means like a domed sort of deck.

  2. the Surf Station

    They are very different boards…the biscuit is better for smaller waves,
    it’s thick, very little rocker and wide. The Whip is more of a hybrid
    performance board…it’s a better all around / versatile board. But if you
    are just learning, the biscuit could be more stable and catch more waves.
    What board are you riding now?

  3. I’m looking at this board vs the biscuit, I pretty much suck so what board
    do you think would be more versatile? I usually surf chest to head high
    waves, usually closing out. Could use some more paddle power too. Thanks!

  4. Is this board good for airs? I’m between something like a dumpster
    diver/neckbeard and a whip. Also, is it possible to get a 5’6″ whip or a
    5’2″ neckbeard. I’m 5’6″ and it seems like people are only selling boards
    that are slightly too big for me.

  5. the Surf Station

    You might want to get a bigger Biscuit if you are having trouble on that
    size fish. We have a 6’0, 6’2 and 6’4 right now (and smaller ones). They
    are all over 21″ wide and 3″ thick so you would be getting a lot more float
    and paddle power and stability. At these sizes they are almost like a fun
    shape but squashed down. You can ride them smaller but it sounds like you
    might want to err on the side of too big rather than too small based on
    your past experiences.

  6. Yeah, I’m thinking the biscuit might be the better option? Currently have a
    6’1 WRV fish, It’s 19 1/2 x 2 3/8. I’m 5’10 around 155lbs. My biggest
    problem seems to be catching waves so I’m thinking more paddle power is
    needed but I would think that my current fish Is already wide and thick
    enough for that?

  7. the Surf Station

    @LongboardBC the deck does have two areas of concave in it. You know how
    after you surf a while on a board, you get indentions where your feet
    always land? They went ahead and shaped these into the board so it already
    had that feel for placement

  8. this board is good for it all!!!!!!!1 small waves big
    waves….airs…..barrle i have it-it is the best ever!!!!! you will not
    regret it

  9. the Surf Station

    no we’ve got a 6’2. We can order one for you though either off the stock
    lists or custom. Let us know!

  10. the Surf Station

    @ready2goready1 Depends on the size, but these are usually 689 which
    includes fins at surfstationstore. com

  11. Cool thanks man, I think I want one! The Black Flag looks like it could
    handle well overhead surf as well. Seems like it would paddle fast and get
    you into a wave easier. Can you eloborate a little on that Moon Tail? As in
    difference between that and a Squash or a rounded pin??? I think I’m going
    Black Flag for sure but I’m still waiting to check out the Semi-Pro. Have
    you reviewed that yet?

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