After learning the basics, more powerful table tennis serves can give you an edge in a match. Serve yourself a victory with the techniques presented by a professional table tennis player in…
After learning the basics, more powerful table tennis serves can give you an edge in a match. Serve yourself a victory with the techniques presented by a professional table tennis player in…
This comments section is the epitome of YouTube scum. Instead of focusing
on the actual point of the video they only make sexist jokes and focus on
the looks of the woman teaching. You should all be ashamed.
Hi ur hot lol
I like this lady because she explains in simple and understandable way.
Русская что ли???
She’s gorgeous
I just watched the video because of her.
I want to play with her.
She’s hot. You’re welcome..
This is a good video but it isn’t an advanced serve
To get more spin from the wrist the little, ring and middle finger form a
that’s a weird looking kitchen
omf she’s sexy
666k views illuminaty
i hit my serve like a forehand. is this legal?
But only if it is verying In spin and can spin off the table before the end
of the table
We need a follow up video. Even at the level I play at, these serves will
get killed every time. These serves are long and spin is easy to read.
And the motions are not deceptive at all.
1:41 That’s a good sized diamond there!
I can’t help but say that she is cute.
Good ty
K good
Bad tips after a slow side spin the opponent has time to topspin the ball
back you need to do a fast top spin variation with a heavy backspin down
the line this is why I’m on the us jounior Olympic team
Say her surname 3 times fast in a row:D