More info at Top tips for Hooked-in Kiteloops from Progression. This video is part of our top tips series, aiming give you 3 or 4…
More info at Top tips for Hooked-in Kiteloops from Progression. This video is part of our top tips series, aiming give you 3 or 4…
See some real loops!!! look 4 the video “CORE gts2”
Annoying as it can be this repetition is a good learning technique,
allowing you to visualise the move and imprint it on your brain so when out
on the water its easier to re-call and work it through yourself. This is
what mobile videos are for – that last minute homework before you head out!
To just watch one run through of the trick check out our trick definition
videos or get hold of a copy of Progression Advanced DVD!
Very good vid! I think it helped me understund this trick very well! Thank
you! Even though these repetitions may be a little annoying, I understund
that they are a very good way to understund the technique better and
imprint it in your mind! It’s a great video for a bigginer kitesurfer like
me! Good Job!
Muy bueno , el detalle que me faltava era pull with the back hand when
going down.
it’s wrong you have to pull before you reacht the highest point of your jump
really annoying video. too many short takes where you can’t see anything.
horrible video. sorry.
well it can be that repeating is a good job but that doesn’t mean that you
have to repeat it for 13 times !!! the problem with this was that you have
only one piece of film ! with like 3 pieces, it would have been much better!
GOOD VIDEO!I should add that also helps if by pulling with your back hand
you push with your front hand the bar.bent your knees during the loop also.
Do you want to keep max bar pressure not letting out on the bar when you
pull hard with back hand? My kiteloops whenever I try always look huge –
they dont stay in one spot spot in the sky like I see others. Its like my
kiteloop makes a huge circle not tight little ones like I see others do. I
see people that make kiteloops in almost the same spot in the air. My loops
are always huge. I dont know what I’m doing wrong maybe im not pulling hard
enough or not holding it long enough?
its freaking annoying it reapts like 5 times.. before it continues
@nederlandkite sorry, maybe we should have made it clearer this vid is for
people learning their first kiteloops. By pulling at the apex of the jump
you far more control and more chance of landing smoothly. In the Advanced
Dvd we take this further and talk about pulling earlier to get more extreme
kite loops but this is not great for most people on there first attempts 🙂
@BisdremisKostas Yeah pushing with your front hand can definitely help,
whatever it takes to ensure you have the bar fully steered in one
direction! Bending your legs, aka The Frog stance, is optional 😉