http://www.Immersionfreediving.com This video shows what goes on during my 4 day freediving course the was from March in 2012. 1:09 Mike comes up from 5:07 b…
http://www.Immersionfreediving.com This video shows what goes on during my 4 day freediving course the was from March in 2012. 1:09 Mike comes up from 5:07 b…
i can hold my breathe for about a minute dynamic and 2 minutes static how
deep do you think i can dive?
I’ve had too many students to count over 50 doing 100ft freedives. I have
one student that weight about 260 and is doing 100ft freedives. This is a
sport all about technique not fitness.
hey I really want to get better and I cant hold my breath long at all. is
there any tips you can give me that will help me out? If so please tell me
Awesome video! I’m finally getting to do a freediving course this October
and I’m so excited. Any tips how I could prepare before starting the
course? I have a pool, but unfortunately nobody who could watch me, so
wouldn’t try it there. Any “dry” exersises I could do? The urge to breathe
kicks in after like 30 seconds… is this gonna change with training or
will I just have to learn to get used to it?
The class you take will help you. The best thing to do is read the manual
and be ready to learn! Check out some of my more recent videos, they are
much better than this one. I even have a video of my dog Sammy talking a
course. After you take the course I would still be willing to train with
you so stay in touch!
if a parent or guardian takes the class with you.
Great video, it’s good to see you are releasing people’s potential , and
making their dreams come true…! Good work guys.
Lol im 13 and i hold my breath most times for about 2 minutes. The key is
relaxing. What i do is dry static to practice, there should be a guy on
youtube naned freediver HD and he has good tutorials for this kind of thing.
My sport and love it.
Part 3 : I think this sport was made for me but now I am too old and out of
shape to attempt such a sport. With training I can only imagine what I
might of done in such a sport. Great video and thanks for posting it , you
are doing great things.
Can 13 year olds register?
If you took my entry level program, about 60 ft. remember never hold your
breath underwater with out someone trained in freediving rescue watching
you. Lifeguards don’t cut it. Check out my video from last weekend, its
under course videos called july ocean session got a great shot of a baby
sea horse.
thanks for the kind words. My self and my students are certainly enjoying
I WISH it was my sport. I want to be able to do something like that, but as
of now my breath holding record is only 56 seconds. :- but then again, I’m
just a week in to being thirteen and I guess I still have time to get
what is the name of the song used in the video? And by the way wow. Its
amazing what freedivers can do
Part one : I wish they had this sport 35 years ago. When I was a teen
living on the coast of Florida I use to snorkel dive and spear fish in up
to 35 feet of water with my friends in the summers. I soon learned that I
could hold my breath two to three times longer than any of my dive buddy’s.
They started timing me and the longest I stayed down was four minutes and
fifteen seconds , that was with a five pound weight belt to get at a
neutral weight and I was spearing fish while I was down.
So if I lived far away I would have to travel where you are or what. And I
can see that thirteen year olds can take the course. Anyways.
Part 2 : At age 51 I discovered while having a DNA test I have a rare
blood disorder (HB Sunshine Seth and and new unnamed one) and with much
testing it has been determined that all my body’s tissue is mutated to
function at a low pulse oxygen level with no ill effects.I guess that makes
me a true mutant ..ha ha ! My normal pulse ox reading is 75 to 80 and
during sleep apnea tests has been recorder as low as 50 with no ill effects.