Watch in HD | Quick tips & help on how & where to attach your GoPro surfboard mount for best footage and stability. Using the New GoPro surfboard mounts. Sur…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Watch in HD | Quick tips & help on how & where to attach your GoPro surfboard mount for best footage and stability. Using the New GoPro surfboard mounts. Sur…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
I want to install my GoPro surfboard mount, but the noses of my shortboards
are all convex. The plastic surf mount doesn’t flex enough to create a
solid bond. The only solution I can think of would be fiber glass the nose
and sand it down till it’s level. Does anyone else have this problem?
Hi guys. I made a DIY surfboard mount that is reusable and doesn’t leave
any residue. Check it out on my channel. Thanks.
Great Video. but what do you do if you want to take it off and re use it?
isn’t glue on the bottom of mount worn out?
I bought a surf mount but my board is not flat on the center next to the
nose, I would have to put the mount on the side where its flat.. Will the
angle still be good?
Can u use it on a body board?
Thanks for the Demo!! Good job!
My GoPro Tip
Hi, can I use those mounts on a foam top boards like greco boards?
are the knots you tie with the leash string easy to undo so i can take off
the gopro housing off the board or does it just stay on there
the intro I used is now on my channel for download 🙂
Hey Lads. Thanks for the vid. After watching this, I had a little trouble
with the leash onto the housing as well, so I left the backdoor on and
instead used a little bit of sewing cotton looped through the leash and
then fed the ends of the cotton through the gap between the housing and the
backdoor. Then just pulled the cotton and the leash followed through the
gap. Don’t know if that makes sense but hope it might help someone if their
having trouble.
they are made for the water so Ive never had a problem.The inventor
designed it primarily for surfing so u can trust it bro.
I dont think so 🙁 but you can always check the gopro site or ask the
support of gopro.
Does it come with the leash?
Can we put a surf mount on the roof of a car or it’s inappropriate ??
Hey, yeh its comes with 2 leash.
I got the intro off a youtube download and then I tweaked it to have the
water effect to be different.
No problemo, u surf?
Helpful video, thanks! I’m new with go pro… Can I leave the mount on the
board and film several days? how long does it stay? Can I take it off and
keep it to use with another board? Also, I think it has to be removed with
heat (hairdryer), doesn’t it?
Nice vid dude! But I do have a big problem with my surfboard, the center
part it’s not flat, so the adhesive surface doesn’t grip really well
because of lack of touch. What could I do? I tryed to file a bit but I’m
afraid I will brake the board.. Thanks
Yeh easy to undo cause its not a knot its just a loop over itself.
Hey when I try put my leash on and put the backing on it dosent click on (
I have HD hero 3 )
Hey Macca, I don’t have the 3 but it is hard trying to get the leash on. It
took me a couple minutes pushing and moving the leash but it should snap
in. U have to pull the leash really tight and keep it centre while pushing
the back on. good luck, let me know how u go.
I have never had a problem, just surfed Cloudbreak in Fiji with it and got
pretty smash out out there on some bomb sets and not a problem. As long as
you use the mounts that I used in my video you will be fine. Have ya plug
in locking the mount in place and have your leash attached to the 2nd plug
at the back then all your safety devices are covered!
Yaa, picked it up a few months ago and getting really into it!