Channel Islands Average Joe Surfboard Review no. 9 HD | Benny’s Boardroom –

Full Review w/ Dims, Fins: The latest and greatest groveler from Channel Islands, this is the Average Joe surfboard review at Benny’s B…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

16 thoughts on “Channel Islands Average Joe Surfboard Review no. 9 HD | Benny’s Boardroom –”

  1. good board review!! im around 100kg surfed years ago and looking for new
    board think this board is suitable? 5’11 or 6’1? what are your thoughts?

  2. Just picked one up! Excited to use it and was wondering what your thoughts
    are on a quad vs. thruster setup. I’m looking into the AM2 tech flex fins.

  3. Hey really enjoy your reviews, and have been waiting to hear about the Joe,
    which sounds like the right board for me. Just curious – do you have any
    input on how it might compare to the Sperm Whale? Thoughts about which
    direction to go in…for New England (RI) surf mainly…

  4. Hey benny, great review! Could you give me your opinion on which size Av
    Joe to get for a beginner/inter, 75kgs and small waves? Can’t decide
    between 5’9 or the 5’11. I don’t know if I should go for more volume of the
    5’11 or if 39.8L from the 5’9 with a bit more maneuverability. 

  5. Great review! How would you say the Joe compares to a Santa Cruz Pumpkin
    Seed, or a Firewire Potatonator? I’m beginner/intermediate, 5’11”, 155 lbs
    and riding a 6’2″ Pumpkin Seed. It’s fun but would like to up my wave

  6. Hi Benny I have a very big headache! Trying to decide my board for small
    waves 0.5 to 2.5/3ft waves measured on the face. Im struggling between the
    JOE and the firewire BAKED potato, both in Tri Fin set up. I want a board
    that would allow me to surf the most radical in tiny waves. Baked potato
    or the JOE? Your input is much appreciated Thank!


    Hi Bryan, thank you for your good question. Between the three, my pick is
    the Joe – it is the most evolved groveler of the three designs. Plenty of
    volume to get you up and going, easy and fun to ride and, in my opinion,
    more versatile versus the Pier Pony & Sweet Potato. I hope this helps you!
    Cheers, Ben

  8. What do you think is the best groveler for Manly – can’t decide between the
    Joe, Sweet Potato and Pier Pony. Now you have reviewed all three which
    would you recommend?


    Hi Felix, thank you for your message and feedback! For drive and
    acceleration in smaller, mushier surf, I’ve been surfing my Joe with the
    DANE REYNOLDS SUMMER TEETH AM2 fins by Captain Fin Co. but I also think the
    Futures Stretch Quads would work really well with this board. See the link
    to the full review in the description for this video for links to the above
    fins. Curious to learn more about what surfboard fins? Check out ‘Surfboard
    Fins Explained’ at Benny’s Boardroom. Cheers, Ben


    No worries Jake Jones, glad this helped you. If you get a Joe, please let
    me know how it goes for you! Cheers, Benny


    Thank you very much for the feedback Emma Sanders and very glad to hear
    that you dig Joe, too! Cheers, Benny

  12. Loved the review! I rode this board at a Channel Islands demo and really
    small waves.. It was so fun! I fell in love with it! Thank you for doing
    this review, I’ve been waiting for one!

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