This is a companion video to an article explaining what I’ve been practicing the past few seasons — my personal opinions on how to become a more versatile c…
This is a companion video to an article explaining what I’ve been practicing the past few seasons — my personal opinions on how to become a more versatile c…
love the music choice. blackalicious is bomb!
Crazy man… Makes me want to set my bindings at similar (insane) angles
and fall on my *ss to get a better appreciation. Smooooth man, I could
watch that whole vid again for inspiration.
yo tom… can u give an exact “how to” or a “guide” on how to carve i can
carve perfectly with the toes but ankles just dont work im goofy by the
way. also.. every single time i try to stop i fall on my ass.. is that
because i pick up the board to high or not high when im stopping?
Not surprised it’s Lowell.. My riding Mentor and Legend… Well wishes
Lowell, Matt Dunn
@arheidis Ya all my slopes are bumpy and sht, horrible to practice, I cant
do anything.
Nice moves!!!! now gotta go practice lol.
that’s the longset board i have ever seen O.O (from a freestyler pov)
15 degrees and -15 degrees is for frestyle i think 30 and 30 is for alpine.
u can get alot more performance out of wat u call the ec turns, casi calls
it down unweighting(im a casi 3) switch ur edge earlier when ur board has
alil more cambre(bend) so taht it basically shoots ur board to the next
edge real fast. dont worry about taht dmg ur angulation as ur turns are
slimmer because when ur legs “cross under”
Ha ha ha, that’d be funny 🙂 Let me see if I can affix the camera behind my
back foot, though most of the point-of-view footage is hard to watch. Still
have a month left this season!
I think its Atmosphere
Hey and can we get an ankle cam at some point ?
Binding angles?
coaching for extreme carving by be1 visit my site be1cs.ch
they pop up to the other side and once u get the timing it will become
perfect C’s and wont dmg ur turn. This technique is great for getting
maximal edge angles especialy on flat stuff. I can almost perfectly euro
carve a few times on the flats using this technique as ur carve shoots fast
and gets aggresive on the next turn
painfull94 I think carving has to do with just using your edges to turn
rather than pushing your back foot to skid through the turn. After you
ride, look at your tracks. If they are pretty skinny and jump from edge to
edge, you’re carving. But if the snow is kinda messy when you turned,
you’re skidding.
So, i’ve been trying to use more of my full SCR on an old Hooger Booger 148
i ride, not too too stiff by today’s standards, but i figure if i get on
plates with it i’ll start to adapt. Is alpine carving more about using your
whole body to turn? Or is it the opposite where you are not moving your
body to initiate a turn but rather initiating it with your legs then using
your body to coax out of it?
hips, knees, and ankles definitely.
I have… Very powerful riding, but I don’t find that style appealing…
oh, er fährt nachher sogar rückwärts und zwar genauso gut^^ wahnsinn
just out of curiosity, what angles do you have your bindings at? from what
I can see, it looks like you have both at least 15 degress forward…
I’m about 200 lbs. I used BTS with all yellow springs, now I ride all
yellow on front and all blue on back. But I like my boots flexy…
I switched last season from 2/1 to 3/1 — 3/1 takes a bit more work to
upkeep, but makes the board more fun.
you seem to have had good training. i just took at look at ur article and
its full of good stuff:D youve really thought/trained alot havent u hehe
how long have u been riding? and where have u trained? btw im like the only
carver i know that rides on a freestyleboard 🙁 i dun have enuf money heh
im stil in high skool:D:D
Thanks, beanazz. In fact the things you mentioned are what I’ve been
working on since I assembled this movie — I’ll try to make “part II”
towards the end of this season.