http://www.SkiSchoolApp.com. Body position is an essential element of all skiing, get it right and it will make a big difference to the performance of your t…
http://www.SkiSchoolApp.com. Body position is an essential element of all skiing, get it right and it will make a big difference to the performance of your t…
Awesome skiing man
Very nice. AND a helmet this time!
Only problem i have with this technique is the weight on the inner leg. its
to much to often. So an average skier will have more risk of falling
because of to much weight on the inner leg. (could be it just looks like
that but i can see some transitios who show this aswell) But it sure looks
super goed uitgelegd, mooi om te zien
Great video. Helmet or not is a personal choice, mind your own business.
Awesome as always! Just wish this video would have been released last week
when I went skiing!
Ski School Experts is here! These lessons are designed to take you from an
Advanced to an Expert all mountain skier so you can get even more out of
your ski holidays.
This is the first film in the series and we will be steadily rolling these
out over the coming weeks, so stay tuned.
In this first lesson Darren Turner looks at the all important body position
and how it applies to short radius turns.
Thank you for your patience and we hope you enjoy the new series.
Very good job, You have power in your legs. How old are you? Regards from
Poland :-)
Great instructional video as always Darren. Many thanks.
All right! New video! Thank you sir.
Thanks for the videos! they really help me out and I was looking for a
video like this too! so thanks again, I really appreciate the videos!
Nice turns, great to see some new vids
What’s the fuss with the helmet? Give him a break.
I appreciate that you are now wearing a helmet. Great videos!!!
The best ski lessons! I have leveled up from intermediate to advanced
thanks to Darren Turner and his lessons. I hope soon to level up to expert
where can I view the #7.2 long turns? isn’t it out yet? thx
I like your videos because are very helpful!!
This guy finally puts a helmet on.