In this learn surfing tutorial, we explain how to catch and ride an unbroken, or open faced wave in surfing. Learning the timing in r… In this learn surfing tutorial, we explain how to catch and ride an unbroken, or open faced wave in surfing. Learning the timing in r…
I’m using a 7 ft 2 bd. Should I be duck diving or turtle rolling to get
through bigger waves? Cheers guys/gals.
i like my cameo
seriously, all i’m doing is either paddling then kissing my knees as I try
to pop up as the wave passes me or taking a nosedive while my board free
willys in the air
I’m so thankful for these tips.
Great tutorial, thanks!
Can you tell more about the posture and the positioning on the board when
catching wave? You briefly mentioned that you need to really arch your back
— I didn’t know that :)
Great idea for a video tutorial! It was a long time before I realized that
this was a problem I’ve been having for a long time – not going out far
enough and always trying to catch the wave at the “too late” point.
Excellent vid, really helpful, thanks guys!
Was literally having this issue last night. I was held up in the “too late”
part of the wave yesterday. Got to get further out! What a treat finding
this video today!
answers my question about pearling, thanks guys