Jeff Hubbard, Jared Houston, Dave Winchester, Dallas Singer, Nicholas Bastos, Dudu Pedra, Guilherme Corrêa, Uri Valadão, Lucas Nogueira, José Otávio, Dave Hu…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Jeff Hubbard, Jared Houston, Dave Winchester, Dallas Singer, Nicholas Bastos, Dudu Pedra, Guilherme Corrêa, Uri Valadão, Lucas Nogueira, José Otávio, Dave Hu…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Looks so fun!
Mad season cover
whats the song from the begginig? xD
Absolutely EPIC!
I thought this was supposed to be best of Jeff Hubbard. But good video
Very soon incha’laah
Video is cool but the song is horrible
trop fort !!!! O-O
FAT aerials!!! yeeeah fly high
thought this was all Jeff Hubbard?
Hello the riders ! Go see our movies on MrTOUT11.
very good!!!
gettin the chills watching 4:39
really good video great riders !!! but the youtube title doesnt meat the
dave hubbard is the man @5:26 hahaha