Surf Movies are made stories such as this! Derek Rabelo is a blind surfer from Brazil. He is the first blind surfer to surf one of the heaviest waves in the …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Surf Movies are made stories such as this! Derek Rabelo is a blind surfer from Brazil. He is the first blind surfer to surf one of the heaviest waves in the …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Imagine a whole world of people with Dereks faith……
Derek Rabelo the Blind Surfer
Derek Rabelo the Blind Surfer
Derek Rabelo the Blind Surfer
Derek Rabelo the Blind Surfer
Derek Rabelo the Blind Surfer
We all know how hard it can be to learn to surf and get confident in water.
Imagine doing it blind. –
Sharing some inspiration sent to me by +Rise Riyo
Vi agora no Caldeirão. Incredible history of a Brazilian guy. Never give up
is everyday sentence we listen.
Simply amazing
Guys awsome! Rob M is rad!
I don’t know man, I don’t think thats their aim. No one else picked up this
story or brought it to light.
Very cool
The song?
O melhor do Brasil é este ser humano maravilhoso
dericogds. Dominic Balli – Twenty Seventeen
Brazilianss..always doing incredibles things! we believe , we can fly!
I loved this inspirational story until Walking on Water turned this story
into a religious bullshit.