Piste to Peak Ski Performance video series can be ordered at: http://shop.section8ski.com Ski Tutorial – In this ski lesson Tobin gives ski tips on dynamic c…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Piste to Peak Ski Performance video series can be ordered at: http://shop.section8ski.com Ski Tutorial – In this ski lesson Tobin gives ski tips on dynamic c…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Your moving video guy has skills!
Just as in dancing I tighten my stomach muscles as I bend into the carve.
I feel this gives me more control and strength in my lower body. Is this
tightening more important for females? Thanks for great video.
@blacksabbathish Nope. Totally incorrect. I think Tobin’s just being nice
by not correcting you. This will result in a turn – yes, but it sets up a
bad habit that will have you completely off balance once you hit steeper
terrain or anything but super-smooth groomers. We’re “carving”. Quiet upper
body. Turn with the large leg muscles, by rolling your skis on edge and by
leading with your inside knee. Any decent ski instructor will tell you this
or should look for a new job in another field.
@ktkl68 Thanks.. The skis are around 18m or 19m radius if my memory serves
me correctly… sorry it has been a few years since this was shot.
Do you have any tips on how to teach little kids (five year olds) on how to
ski better?
@blacksabbathish Dude–you seriously need a ski lesson.
EPIC final! haha
@skilikeagolfcart Please don’t confuse teaching methodology with actual
technique. Obviously knees are a hinge joint & do not bend laterally… it
is actually the femur rotating in the hip socket & some foot pronation that
gives that appearance. ‘Moving the knees in’ is just a method to simplify
things for teaching purposes and may be better suited to visual type
learners. Analytical type learners such as yourself may prefer a more
detailed explanation. It is no more dangerous.
Great demonstration of balanced skiing. This skier moves freely on the skis.
I used to ski with old straight skis and when I turned I always keep my
skis together tight. I never tried the shaped skis. Are you supoosed to
keep your skis apart now when turning now for some reason. Thanks
Skiing is a sport with many variables but most of the time it is best to
initiate the turn with the legs… this means turning the femur in the hip
socket. In order to do this you must be able to release your skis grip on
the snow between turns. The are a variety of ways to release the skis
depending on the situation… by relaxing downhill leg… rolling the
knees/ankles, by extending the joints, by flexing the joints etc. Which
method you use will depend upon the situation.
Nice turns dude!! If I might offer a little D & C (detection & Correction)
as we called it back in the day…lol. You’re obviously a 3 maybe even a 4
and ski great. I wonder if the guys that session you have suggested you
stay taller a little longer at the start of your turn, instead of dropping
the hip inside so fast…? You ski very nice all the same.
Keep turning your inside ski through phase 2 to help generate… Haha just
kidding! Don’t ya get tired of every snow pro on the interwebz tryin to
tell ya how to ski! Nice vids! Nice turns!
@ktkl68 – You should be able to carve on just about any ski these days, but
a 112 under foot fully rockered ski probably isn’t doing you any favors on
hard snow. The narrower the ski, the easier it will be to grip on the
ice… easier to tip the ski over as well. This will make a big difference.
A lot of the new all mountain carvers now have a bit of rocker in the tip
and tail which will also make it easier to initiate a carve but traditional
camber under foot is key to keeping the performance.
@vindibona1 – True… the knees don’t actually roll as they are a hinge
joint. The appearance of the knees rolling actually comes from a
combination of pronating the foot/ankle and turning the femur in the hip
socket…. but I thought that might be a bit long winded for your average
recreational skier!
Great skiing. Go Canada go!
@section8ski – I’m fairly new to skiing and have some questions on turning
in general. What is the best way to initiate a turn? Pulling the knees?
Twisting the feet?Applying forward pressure on shin? Also, how should I
maintain my upper body posture?
Well put. Shoulders (upper body) should not be artficially faced down the
fall line. That is very old school. As you note only in short radius turns
are the shoulders facing down the fall line. Good video, and good hands.
Great job!
Wear a helmet.
@tibox22 Pretty good considering it is free. Good quality vid and pretty
easy to follow.
not bad
@blacksabbathish – It is true that turning first with the upper body is an
easier way to initiate a turn… however it will put you severely out of
balance and make edging very difficult. It is appropriate in only a few
select situations…such as traveling at very slow speeds on low angle
terrain in deep heavy snow.
Pick up your inside hand and make sure your shoulders are down the fall
line and then well talk.
Cool, very helful tip! Going to try some carving now.
@wanger008 Sure.. What level does you five year old ski at? It is difficult
to give specifics with actually watching him or her but I can probably give
you some general advice. The big things at this age are to keep it safe and
make it fun! – Firstly make sure equipment is setting them up for success.
Probably doesn’t need poles quite yet. – Kids at this age respond to
games… not directions… use your imagination to create games that will
help build skills. Lots of following!