Attaching yourself to a kite, going high, doing old style tricks like a “dead man”, “handle pass” or a “board off”, “beach launch” , “hooked back roll”, “unh…
Attaching yourself to a kite, going high, doing old style tricks like a “dead man”, “handle pass” or a “board off”, “beach launch” , “hooked back roll”, “unh…
This looks kinda expensive to get into.
The title is abusive, nothing to see with kitesurfing which uses the real
WIND and not a motor boat.
Bruno, co-inventor of the inflatable kites (c-kite and bow kite)
Early exploration of Kitesurfing in 1958
I still fly one of these!
Can you call when and where the first approach to #kitesurfing took place?
How about California in 1958?
No way, you say? Yes way…
The true beginning of kitesurf in 1958!! Lol!
A true beginning of kitesurfing in 1958?
Even attaching a camera to a kite isn’t as new as we thought it was… ;-)
Haha…the idea of kitesurfing has been around for a while longer than I
Kitesurfing – A true beginning of the sport in 1958
And this was filmed before the Gopro!!!!
Dima open the edit section and rename this clip. Please it’s misleading and
first GoPro in the world at 1:44
Wants you! 😀
I did this in 1967 in Madison WI….
But… this is better than kitesurfing!
thx kitesurfingplanet.
cool video! Published on KiteMovement
Странно среди нет ни одного негра… А аа да черт этож 57год так что ХЭЙ
I like the timber trick at 2.00 LOL
Bud: why is it misleading ? they use a kite to fly above water. it is,in my
opinion,a precursor to the sport. also, as I understand, nobody got duped
into buying anything after watching this wonderful vid. do you feel you had
wasted your time?
This was actually the birth of hang gliding.
Nice one :)) shared on NZkiteboardmag