http://www.theoceanfrontca.com shows how to surf for beginners. This “surfing 101” video walks you through surfing basics, such as how to swim out, stand up,…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
http://www.theoceanfrontca.com shows how to surf for beginners. This “surfing 101” video walks you through surfing basics, such as how to swim out, stand up,…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
I ve been there my bro got a surfing lesson from toes on the noes
the smile at the end is so funny, in a good way! 😛 … I really want to
try to surf this summer ! Thanks=)
I’m so going to Huntington Beach now. I wanna surf so bad.. 🙁
Best job.
surfing is not easy
omg hes hot! lol
@quincicle It’s called depth…smh
Great Movie:D Thanks for your Help!
finish talking …….. smile hahaha
duss size matter? im 5’9 and i want to know if i should get a 6’0 surfboard
or tall. do i have to buy a surfboard that is almost my size or do i buy 1
that is taller than me?
Very Useful 😀 Surf<3
cool. I’ve never surf but am looking forward to it. AM from Dominican
Republic, but now i live in Jersey and man is it cold in here.
how much does it cost for surfboard rentals down there at huntington?
surfing feeds the soul. If more people surfed there would be less suicides
and crime.
When i get older like, 18 i am gonna move to hawaii and spend so much time
on surfing!! i just love it !!
at 1:22 he looks really small and the girl looks like a giant
I’ve been here
cool vid!
thank you
that chick is to hot!!!
where in DR did you learn how to surf?
Renting a house in SOCAL this summer. It has a couple of foam-type beginner
surf boards. Never surfed before. Decided to give surfing a shot with my 9
year old. We watched this video a few times and gave it shot. Managed to
get my son up on several waves. He’s hooked. Surf camp starts next week for
him. Thanks for the video!
i like it!
dude either he is really small or that girl is really tall