Find out more at http://go.progression.me/yt WARNING: This is an advanced technique and should only be performed by experienced kitesurfers who have great ki…
Find out more at http://go.progression.me/yt WARNING: This is an advanced technique and should only be performed by experienced kitesurfers who have great ki…
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*Example Of Self Launching A Kite – Kitesurfing Technique Definition*
*WARNING:* This is an advanced technique and should only be performed by
experienced kitesurfers who have great kite control. Check out the related
Progression blog post for more information:
*Technique Definition:*
The Cross Wind Self Launch – This is an advanced technique, where we launch
the kite from the side of the wind window. We use the bar and lines to roll
the kite on to it side and then with control. fly it up into the air. Again
this is an advanced technique and best learn with an instructor or
experience friend.
This video is part of our trick terminology series, aiming to inspire you
to get out there and try something new on the water. So check out the
Progression website for more videos and our range of Premium instructional
videos available on the Progression Player App or our best selling DVDs.
Make the most of your next session and learn tricks from beginners through
to professionals – http://go.progression.me/yt